BAmazon Union Update 2.23.2022

Big Mike worked at a non-union poultry plant before coming to work at an RWDSU The union difference has meant so many things to Mike, but one memory stands out. When his mom caught cancer, he was given paid time off to care for her, time that didn’t take away from his vacation time, and his job was secured. For Mike that meant he could be at his mom’s side, and with Mike there, prayer and good union health insurance she was able to make a recovery. (Mike’s mom also worked at the same RWDSU unionized facility). By unionizing things can get better and Big Mike is evidence of it, that’s why he’s supporting our campaign!

Stories like this is what we the BAmazon Union hope we can create at our facility, and with a union we can fight for a strong contract that will allow to be there for our families in good times and bad. Together we are voting UNION YES! Cast your ballot today.